Letters of Recommendation (Student Information)
If you apply to any of the scholarships listed below, 2 letters of recommendation are required. PLEASE NOTE: Whether you apply to all three of the scholarships below, or just one, you should not have any more than TWO letters submitted on your behalf. Asking more than two recommenders shows that you did not follow directions. At least one of the letters must be from a Metea staff member. Relatives are excluded from writing letters.
Sgt. David Caruso Freedom Scholarship
PTSA Scholarships
Athletic Booster Scholarships
To get your TWO letters submitted, follow the procedure below:
1. Ask your recommender (in plenty of time) if he/she would be willing to submit a letter of recommendation on your behalf.
2. If they agree, send the recommender an email with four pieces of information
A. Your First and Last name
B. Your Metea ID Number
C. Tell the recommender to go the following site. Copy and paste this link into the email: https://www.meteaunified.org/recommendation-information-for-recommenders.html
D. This year's deadline date for submission: March 14th, 2024
3. Under no circumstances should a student submit a letter that a teacher gave to them.
4. Remember, no more than TWO letters total, regardless of the number of scholarships you apply for!
If you apply to any of the scholarships listed below, 2 letters of recommendation are required. PLEASE NOTE: Whether you apply to all three of the scholarships below, or just one, you should not have any more than TWO letters submitted on your behalf. Asking more than two recommenders shows that you did not follow directions. At least one of the letters must be from a Metea staff member. Relatives are excluded from writing letters.
Sgt. David Caruso Freedom Scholarship
PTSA Scholarships
Athletic Booster Scholarships
To get your TWO letters submitted, follow the procedure below:
1. Ask your recommender (in plenty of time) if he/she would be willing to submit a letter of recommendation on your behalf.
2. If they agree, send the recommender an email with four pieces of information
A. Your First and Last name
B. Your Metea ID Number
C. Tell the recommender to go the following site. Copy and paste this link into the email: https://www.meteaunified.org/recommendation-information-for-recommenders.html
D. This year's deadline date for submission: March 14th, 2024
3. Under no circumstances should a student submit a letter that a teacher gave to them.
4. Remember, no more than TWO letters total, regardless of the number of scholarships you apply for!